Even with the deadpan one-liners she’s not an interesting or layered character. Madagascar A lion, hippo, giraffe, and zebra escape their homes at the New York Zoo only to find they knew very little about their natural habitats. “Help me bag this bastard up,” she snaps at Anita. A yabba-dabba-doo ol' time WILMA Alex the Lion : That's not the fun side. And, if you need me, I'll be over here On the FUN side of the island, havin' a good ol' time. What’s also clear is that she’s a psychopath without a trace of conscience. Marty the Zebra : Okay You all have your side, and I'll have mine. Each episode lasts about 10 minutes and is. It turns out that Catherine’s plummily posh private school accent and Tory chic fashion taste (pink cashmere knits and pearl earrings) are an affectation. The cartoon series tells the adventures of a little zebra named Bizou, Zou for friends, and many other characters. The next morning, she calls in childhood friend Anita (Jade Anouka), who is shocked – but not exactly surprised – to walk in on a murder scene.
A shrieky horror movie score blares as she does the deed and afterwards she wraps a fluffy pink towel around his head. Sarah Roy plays the murderer, Catherine, who grabs a knife from the cutlery drawer after catching husband Dan (Tom Cullen) watching unpleasant porn at 3am in the study of their country pile. But Zebra Girl’s quirky comedy is not quite distinctive enough, and the script lurches iffily into serious issues of child abuse and mental illness in the second half. The tone that director Stephanie Zari is going for seems to be that blend of violence and black humour that Fargo and Killing Eve make look so easy. This low-budget indie set in the dark heart of the rural English suburbs begins with a woman plunging an eight-inch kitchen knife into her husband’s head.