In addition, the show will mark the official debut of four new artist books, as well as an exclusive interview with Thomas Thwaites, author of the controversial speculative performance project GoatMan, as well as with Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, whose biodesign work has infiltrated the covers of various scientific journals. We even find proposals for post COVID-19 realities, as in Kuang-Yi Ku (TW) whose Tiger Penis Project, 2018, imagines the end of wildlife trade in Chinese medicine via lab-grown animal parts or Noam Youngrak Son (KR), whose Becoming a Bat, 2021, appeals to solidarity with virus-carrying species via a book designed to be perceived primarily by nonhumans. Some of the futures imagined are collaborative, like the sonic experiments in Transversal is a Loop, 2019 by Saša Spačal (SI). Some works pose new dilemmas, as in Dodo in the Room, 2019 by Ege Kokel (TU/AT), which predicts a wave of de-extinction pets. Other books imply trans-species dreams such as the 2046 diaries of a scientist in Aurelia Immortal, 2017 by Javier Viver (ES). The narrow end of a spike maul is about 2 inches in diameter - about the same size as the head of a railroad spike.

Some of the books propose new eco-conscious alternatives, as in Non Flowers, 2021 by Thomas Pausz (FR/IS). 14, 1950 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE RAILROAD SPIKE Harry H.

introduces practices that cover a large range of positions toward the nonhuman. See more ideas about railroad spike art, railroad spikes, metal projects. In their hands field guides, lost diaries, investigative dossiers, lab journals, corporate catalogues become portals into multiple interspecies possibilities. Explore Alden Daviss board 'railroad spike art' on Pinterest. MORT de la MODE.Informed by methods from conceptual art, posthumanism, biotechnology (CRISPR), and emerging interfaces (AI, VR, 3D printing), these artists produce documents that defy the borders between fiction and reality. Recent group shows include those at Fitzpatrick Gallery, Paris Performance Space, New York and the Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, Latvia. Solo exhibitions include The Massive Disposal of Experience at Company Gallery, New York and CCA, Berlin Women’s History Museum Biennale: Poupées Gonflables, Springsteen Gallery, Baltimore Her Bed Surrounded by Machines at LUMA Westbau, Zurich OTMA’s Body at Gavin Brown's enterprise, New York. In an effort to encompass the psychic reality of fashion and foster a creative community, they interrogate the idea of the museum and insist on alternative and inclusive methods of recording history. Home & Garden Railroad Spikes by Kevin Caron Studios : If you can’t get enough of home décor but want to be unique then this really neat metalwork project made of a lot of railroad spikes will awe and inspire you. Their art practice, which includes sculpture, film, painting, drawing, photography, and performance, is dictated by meticulously sourced historical materials and close collaborations with other artists who often double as models in their fashion shows. The duo engages with fashion as a medium that has the potential to exist beyond regurgitative spectacle and the ability to change the fabric of reality. The Hands of Time depicts hands carving a canoe paddle, holding a railway spike, performing with a fan, carrying blankets, carrying books, holding binoculars. Remind yourself of all the hard work you've done and honor your accomplishments with some of the motivational railroad spike art in this collection.
PDF Santera and Palo Mayombe are West African-derived religions/sects with. Railroad Spike Art Rust and wear on a railroad spike can symbolize the hard work that the generations before us put forth to build a better life for everyone. HARVEY, Jamestown, Chataque county, New York, September 16, 1832. Specification of a patent for an improvement in Nails and Spikes, denominated the Grooved and Flanched Spike. 1990) in 2015 out of the desire to create novel and previously unseen images of beauty. Used in Voodoo, Sanitaria, witchcraft and other forms of. Below we recount two of the earliest US patents of railroad spike or hook-headed spike machines. Women’s History Museum was founded by Mattie Barringer (b.